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More often than not, Bio companies meet and have highly specific supply chain needs. There doesn’t seem to be any one tool that consistently supports fostering B2B relationships to meet those needs.

BioVendors is a first-of-its-kind hub for B2B connections built with pharma and med device companies in mind.

Traditional online tools fall short

With our tools, your company is relevant and so are your search results.

BioVendors fills in the data gaps

Why BioVendors?

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Full Business Info
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+1 image
1 Business Category
Direct Messaging
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Unique URL to easily share in chat, email, and website
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+ Membership


All the benefits of a Starter listing, plus…

Access to full directory of listings on BioVendors.com (post-launch)
Membership for all employees
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Member Events
Market analysis reports
Logo recognition
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Business angel network development
Business development services


+ Membership


All the benefits of a Featured listing, plus…

Access to full directory of listings on BioVendors.com (post-launch)
Membership for all employees
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Member Events
Market analysis reports
Logo recognition
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Business angel network development
Business development services


+ Sponsorship


All the benefits of a Featured listing and Evergreen Bio membership, plus…

Member-only event planning & feature
Event recognition & sponsor benefits
Preference for delegation visits*
Speaking opportunity at specified event*
Keynote opportunity at a specified event*
Features, executive Q&A, and stories*

*Benefits depend on the sponsor membership tier selected