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Become A Member

Join us to expand capacity, grow markets, accelerate innovation, and create jobs!

Evergreen Bioscience Innovation is focused on connecting and expanding the network of life science discovery, development, and commercialization contract services available in our region. Our collaborative effort connects industry with business, government, research, and community organizations to create and sustain relationships, identify and prioritize projects and solutions, and elevate the name recognition of our industry across the nation and globally.

Membership Benefits

As a member, you will have access to services, partners, R&D, events, and funding opportunities that will help you grow and innovate. Working together, the cluster will bring access to markets, institutional partners, and solutions that only collaborative competition will surface. Around the globe, international corporations, SMEs, and start-ups have found this model unparalleled for leading life science ecosystem growth.

Membership Tiers

Select between Leadership & Community, Growing Industry, or Starting Up/Starting Out to explore memberships

For organizations deeply committed to the success of the cluster and wishing to sponsor at a higher level.
Community Partner
Starting at
$5,000 Annually
Sponsor Tier
Membership for All Employees
Logo Recognition
Member Events
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Business angel network development
Business Development Services
Market analysis reports
Member-only event planning & feature*
Event recognition & sponsor benefits**
Preference for delegation visits
Speaking opportunity @ specified event
Public Partnership
Starting at
$2,000 Annually
Sponsor Tier
Membership for All Employees
Logo Recognition
Member Events
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Business angel network development
Business Development Services
Market analysis reports
Medium Company
Membership for
Full-Time Employees
Logo Recognition
Member Events
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Business angel network development
Business Development Services
Market analysis reports
Small Company
Membership for
Full-Time Employees
Logo Recognition
Member Events
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Business angel network development
Business Development Services
Market analysis reports
Startups & Individuals
Best suited for companies, institutions of Academia, Government, and Fundinal/Capital Partners with
up to 5 Full-Time Employees
Member Events
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Market analysis reports
Logo Recognition
Highlighted in Marketing & E-news
Business angel network development
Business Development Services
Students & Post Docs
Eligible with
Student ID
Enrollment Confirmation
Member Events
Preference for Innovation Team participation
Market analysis reports