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Welcome to your Evergreen Bio membership!

Welcome to Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster (Evergreen Bio)! We appreciate and honor your membership.

As you explore this page, you’ll learn about the ways our cluster, which includes your company, drives collaboration to elevate life sciences across our region. I’m looking forward to making the most of this strategic partnership.

—Michaele Armstrong, Executive Director, Evergreen Bio

Let's start collaborating!

Get Involved

Innovation Teams


Innovation teams gather member expertise and resources to facilitate solutions for and bring opportunities to the bioscience ecosystem in our region.

Each innovation team focuses on a unique aspect of ecosystem development, which contribute to a World Class Cluster:

  • Thriving Industry
  • Total Mountain Northwest Supply Chain
  • Global Entrepreneurship Hub
  • 21st Century Talent

Bioscience Hub Innovation Team


To develop the needed infrastructure for bioscience companies to thrive when they startup in or relocate to the Inland and Mountain Northwest.


For many companies, this means readily available lab space. With this in mind, the Hub Team has two key focus areas:

  • Building the Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Building in Spokane County, which will triple available lab space, and
  • Establishing a sterile therapeutics tech hub for the Inland and Mountain Northwest.

Stacia Rasmussen, PMP
Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster
Project and Program Manager
[email protected]

Team Leadership

Andy Johnston, PE
Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster
Board Champion

Michaele Armstrong

Michaele Armstrong, PhD, MBA
Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster
Team Leader

Stacia Rasmussen, PMP
Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster
Project and Program Manager

Read up on Hub Team efforts that have made the news!

Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Building covered in Seattle DJC

| Growing Industry, Hub Innovation Team, Media Mentions | No Comments
"The main focal point of this facility is the people it is designed for. This collaborative hub will unite individuals…

Available for Download: Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Building submission from ALSC Architects

| Downloads, Growing Industry, Growing Talent, Hub Innovation Team | No Comments
With over 800 words in the write-up, the initial release of the renderings and details of the design for the…

Evergreen Growth Grant Results Make the News

| Growing Industry, Hub Innovation Team, Media Mentions, Your Cluster Working for You | No Comments
The Evergreen Growth Grant deadline arrived and ALSC did not disappoint. Their work in designing and rendering the Evergreen Bioscience…

21st Century Talent Innovation Team


To drive collaboration for a 21st-century cGXP workforce in the Inland and Mountain Northwest.


Our region possesses talent strengths in pharma and manufacturing, which are supported by workforce development programs and a pipeline of local university graduates. This creates an opportunity to upskill workers for bioscience roles using custom workforce development programs. With this in mind the Talent Innovation Team has these key focus areas:

  • Increasing available internships at all biotechnician career path levels.
  • Reducing biases in recruitment and hiring practices to increase the size of the talent pool considered for open biotech jobs.
Meeting Times & Contact

When: First Friday of the month from noon to 1 p.m.
Where: Online via Zoom
Contact: Email [email protected] and a calendar invitation will be extended to you.

Team Leadership

Luis Matos, PhD
Eastern Washington University, Associate Professor of Biology
Team Leader

Stacia Rasmussen, PMP
Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster
Project and Program Manager

Read up on efforts that support bioscience workforce development in our region!

Passing the Talent Torch

| Growing Talent, Your Cluster Working for You | No Comments
Scott Walden has taken the reins as chair of the Talent Innovation Team. He hales from CAI as the company's…

Available for Download: Life Science Asset & Landscape Study Report

| Downloads, Growing Industry, Growing Talent | No Comments
The much-anticipated report on the Life Science Asset & Landscape Study conducted by Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) was released at…

Available for Download: Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Building submission from ALSC Architects

| Downloads, Growing Industry, Growing Talent, Hub Innovation Team | No Comments
With over 800 words in the write-up, the initial release of the renderings and details of the design for the…

Future Facing — Share your idea for a project!

EBIC aims to create additional teams as our cluster’s capacity expands. For example, we are organizing an innovation team focused on our cluster’s research needs.

Bring your fellow cluster members together over a shared need and find a solution!


Key to a Thriving Bioscience Cluster

EBIC’s quarterly Collaboration events are an opportunity for community building with your fellow cluster members while sharing solutions and solving problems. This means bringing forward ideas and questions that help guide EBIC’s strategy, meeting the individuals involved in innovation teams, and more as determined by the interests of our members.

These events are intended to have the feeling of a friendly town hall meeting and can be virtual, in-person, or hybrid.

Our next Collaboration event is June 20. Mark your calendars!

Content Account Portal


As a member you have access to our content account portal (or content portal), which we will continually grow to be a resource of information and tools for our members.

Along with member-only content, free resources will be accessible here for your convenience.

Gaining Access

You can navigate to the login page for the content portal by using this URL in the address bar of any internet browser: https://evergreenbioinnovation.com/my-account/

TIP: If you are already on Evergreen Bio’s website, you can click the login button in the upper-right corner of the main navigation menu.

Account Access FAQ

Forgotten Password

If you forget your password, you can reset it by selecting “Lost Your Password?” below the login button.

'How do I know if I have a login?'

You have a login if…
  • Membership was purchased through our website.
  • Membership was purchased through other methods and/or you received an email from “Evergreen Bio Memberships ‘[email protected] via wpdatacenter.com’ OR ‘Evergreen Bio Memberships [email protected] via wpdatacenter.com’ with one of the following subject lines:
    • “Welcome to Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster”
    • “You’ve been given a seat on [your company’s name] membership with Evergreen Bio”

If you are unsure you received the automated email described above, try resetting your password on the My Account page. You’ll likely need to use the same email address that received the email that led you to this page.

If you tried the above first step and it returned “Invalid username or email,” or you are certain you do not have a login, your next step depends on whether you are a content account owner or a content account manager/member.

Content Account Owners Access

You have a login for the Member Content Portal if you are a content account owner. You are a content account owner if…

  • You are the individual who purchased your company’s membership through our website. Your login is the one you created at the time of purchase.
  • Your company’s membership was purchased through a method other than our website, an account was manually set up for your company, and you are the one who was designated as the point of contact for your company.

(NOTE: If an account was manually set up for your company, you will have received an email from “Evergreen Bio Memberships ‘[email protected] via wpdatacenter.com'” OR “Evergreen Bio Memberships ‘[email protected] via wpdatacenter.com'” with the following subject line: “You’ve been given a seat on [your company’s name]’s membership with Evergreen Bio”)

Content Account Managers Access

To gain access, follow the same steps in the Content Account Members section below.

Once you’ve gained access to your account, you have the same access privileges as an account owner, including viewing/managing account seat holders’ roles. The only privilege you won’t have is the ability to change or remove the account owner. This must be done by someone on EBIC’s team

Content Account Members Access

If you have not yet received an invitation from your company’s content account owner, get in touch with them to give you a seat in the content portal. If you have any questions about who that is, please email [email protected]. Someone will look it up within a few business days and reply with the requested information.

(NOTE: If your content account owner has invited you will you will have received an email from “Evergreen Bio Memberships ‘[email protected] via wpdatacenter.com'” OR “Evergreen Bio Memberships ‘[email protected] via wpdatacenter.com'” with the following subject line: “Welcome to Evergreen Bioscience Innovation Cluster.”)

'I'm certain no one in my company is a content account owner'

Alternatively: ‘I’m certain no one in my company has a login’

If no one in your company is an account owner and/or no one has a login, we do apologize for any inconvenience. We will work with you to change that as quickly as possible. To do that, please have the point of contact for your company reach out to us through [email protected].

To ensure your request is given the right priority, be sure to include the following information:

  • Subject Line: “Member Content Account: Owner Login Setup”
  • Email Body: Please set up [company name]’s content account access by designating [first name, last name] as the account owner and using [email address] to set up their login.

Once the account owner has been given access they can invite members of their company to use one of the seats available through membership. For more details about content account management, please see the “Content Account Management” section of this page

Dashboard Navigation

Member Content

To view the content available to you at your subscription level, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the “My Content” tab.
  2. You’ll find a list of available content.
  3. Click on the title or the “View” button of the content you wish to access.

Change login credentials and user profile

From the “Manage Password” tab, you can change your first name, last name, display name, email address, and password.

Getting back to the Dash

If you find you’ve navigated away from your dashboard, you can always get back to it by clicking “Dash” in the upper right side of the main navigation menu. The log out button is also located there.

Content Account Management

For account owners and managers

The 'Company' tab on your Dash

Selecting the company tab will reveal a submenu with options to…

  • Update your company’s name
  • Manage existing seat holders
  • Add new seat holders

We plan to add more functionality as our cluster develops.

As a content account owner or manager, you have the same dashboard navigation menu as members, plus a tab labeled “Company” for managing seat holders and roles on your account.

Members Sub-Tab

From this tab, you can…

  • View how many remaining seats you have with your membership
  • Who has accepted the invitation to join your company
  • Which invitations are still pending
  • Change the roles of seat holders between manager and members
  • Remove seat holder

Add Member Sub-Tab

This tab is as straightforward as it sounds. Here you have the option to…

  • Add one individual at a time or
  • Copy a registration link, which can be shared en masse in the method of your choosing (e.g., email, private chat group, etc.)

Company Settings Sub-Tab

From this tab, you can…

  • Update your company’s name
  • View company details

Changing or Reassigning the Content Account Owner Role

Changing ownership of your company’s member content account to an existing seat holder* is easily done by emailing [email protected].**

To ensure your request is given the right priority, please include the following information:

  • Subject Line: “Member Content Account: Change Account Owner”
  • Email Body: Please change [company name]’s account owner to [first name, last name]. To confirm, their email address is [email address].

*The person designated as your company’s new account owner must be a seat holder before they can be assigned this role by the EBIC team. Please visit the “Add Member” tab to invite the new account owner to hold a seat in your account. This will result in an automated email inviting the individual to log in for the first time. He/she/they must accept this invitation to complete their login setup and be assigned ownership. If no one in your company has access to add seat holders to your account, please contact the EBIC team at [email protected] to resolve the issue.

**Currently, as a function of the platform EBIC uses to share content with its members, the account ownership role can only be managed by our team. We plan to improve this as our cluster develops.


If the answer you need is not on this page, please submit this support form to and someone on the EBIC team will get back to you as soon as possible.


(Psst… this is also a chance to submit your idea for a new innovation team
or get in touch about existing teams)